The SZALAY CYTO-SPATULA is made of plastic for medical use. It is for single use only and free of environmental pollutants. The SZALAY CYTO-SPATULA is made in Switzerland and distributed worldwide. (Spatulas from top to bottom: No. 1,2,3,4) |
size of the Szalay Cyto-Spatula is: Device-lenght=220mm; Device-width:
5mm |
Sort |
Shape | Application | |
No. 1 | For a small or medium-sized cervix (most cases). | Offer | |
No. 2 | For a larger cervix with a wide uterine orifice. | Offer | |
No. 3 | For a large cervix with a wide uterine orifice and a wide vagina. | Offer | |
No. 4 |
for a larger cervix with an extended transformation zone, in
addition to a cervical smear with a No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3
spatula. |
Offer |
Packing unit |
The SZALAY CYTO-SPATULA come in bags with 100 spatulas per type. The spatulas are not sterilized. |
Samples |
For studies and tests, and for training purposes, we provide free sample spatulas. Our standard samples comprise one spatula of each sort. We can also arrange a sample selection of different spatulas according to your needs. Please let us know on the order form how many samples you require. |
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