The SZALAY CYTO-SPATULA: The ideal cell sampler for conventional and liquid-based methods of analysis.

Case Images 1)

In each of the following examples, the SZALAY-Cyto-Spatula was used for cervical sampling. The cell material obtained in this way was then processed using either liquid-based methods of analysis (left) or conventional methods of analysis (right). The smear samples both on the left and right were obtained from the same woman.

The following case images do show that the new and very expensive "liquid based" method of analysis does not produce better results, presupposed that the Szalay Cyto-Spatula is being used to take the Pap smear. Obwegeser study

A smear taken with the SZAZALY CYTO-SPATULA to be processed with liquid-based method.

A smear taken with the SZAZALY CYTO-SPATULA to be processed with conventional method.


Gardnerella Vaginalis Gardnerella Vaginalis
Low grade SIL (L-SIL) Low grade SIL (L-SIL)
Leptothrix  Leptothrix 
Mixed bacterial flora Mixed bacterial flora
Low grade SIL ( HPV changes also noted) Low grade SIL ( HPV changes also noted)
Candida  Candida 
Endocervical cells  Endocervical cells 
PAP-II + blood PAP-II + blood
Inflammation    x25 Inflammation    x25
Low grade SIL with HPV infection    x25 Low grade SIL with HPV infection     x25
L-H SIL  / HPV+      x40 L-H SIL  / HPV+      x40
High Grade SIL (HPV changes also noted)         x40 High Grade SIL (HPV changes also noted)       x40
High Grade SIL        x25 High Grade SIL       x25
High Grade SIL      x40 High Grade SIL       x40


1) supplied by Celestino Rodrigues, Cytologist FELLOW of the International Academy of Cytology, Zürich




















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